By Cali Matheson –
I’ve never really understood golf, but what I do understand is the Lincoln High girls golf team has a very strong bond for the game.
I sat down with coach Larry Elwood and the varsity girls and got a feel for the game. On the varsity team we have Sarah smith(11) Emily Smith(10) Chloe Baylor(11) Anna Rudisill(11) Marga Gallins(12) and Ashton Rutsay(10). So far the 2016-2017 season has been going “pretty good” says coach Elwood, and the girls seem to agree.
This season they lacked confidence, Elwood said. With the two-hour practices every day after school, the incoming freshman of 2017, and the long practices over the summer, the team is determined to do better for next season. This year the girls competed in the HAC tournament, and two of the girls placed.

Coach Larry Elwood
Chloe Baylor ranked 5th, and Sarah Smith ranked 8th out of 45 girls total. I asked The girls about how golf affects their school work. Sarah Smith said, “Golf does help with school, because it helps me manage my time better, and I end up being more productive. But it is also difficult because I’ve missed over ten days of school because of golf.”
Emily Smith thinks golf makes school more difficult having to catch up with school work.
You will usually find the girls and coach Elwood out on the Highlands and Jim Ager greens working on their putting, on their technique, or playing a few holes.
Keep an eye out for next year’s team, and think about joining them.