By Paulo Gross – SPORTS –
Coach Larry Elwood said that the boy’s golf team advancing in districts would be a “long-shot” at this point. A long shot, yet not impossible in most senses of the word. What can be seen in the golf team is a young team making strides in their goal of getting better at the game they enjoy.
The roster for the team is skewed young. Out of the 13 on the team, six are freshmen, and there aren’t any seniors. Elwood said “I’ve got, I think five players that have never played until this season. We have a lot of players that the first time they’ve ever played is with golf team. They’re learning the game as well as learning how to play the game.” Junior Collin Sipple said, “I feel like our new crop of freshmen is promising.”
The golfers had only positive things to say. Junior Alexander Keck said, “He just wants us to get out there and have a good time. When we’re complaining about how we did or whatever, he ends the conversation by simply asking, ‘Did you have a good time?’ If you say yes, he’ll be happy. If you say no, he’ll encourage you in some way or another.”
Walking around the Mahoney Golf Course with Junior Ed Crouse, McKeighan and Keck, all varsity, during their practice on a Monday afternoon, I got the feeling for the serenity they feel while playing golf. It was windy, and they played 9 holes. Through the whole game, they kept up a friendly banter, interspersed with putts and commentary about how they were playing. They played for the love of the game, not the prestige of winning.
This seems to be what both Coach Elwood and the players focus on. “It’s fun but it’s also frustrating.” Elwood said. “And I don’t care what level of a golfer you are, there’s always frustration. I mean, there’s always, ‘well, I could have done this different, or I could have done better.’ You live and die by your good shots.” He added, “I would say that they are a good group of individuals. They represent Lincoln High and themselves well. For me, that’s all I ever asked for as a coach. You know, try your best, give me your best effort and represent yourself in Lincoln High in a positive way.”
Crouse, whom I was told by other players is their best performing player, says, “On varsity, we’re goofy. We just go out and play; we don’t really have a plan.” That seems to be the consensus from the players I spoke with. Kek said, “I treat it as my break from school work and such.”
The team is involved in extracurriculars outside of golf. Crouse is on the wrestling team and the football team. McKeighan plays basketball and plays football on his leisure. Kek mentioned a variety of things: “debate team, robotics team, science olympiad, and then I’m an advisor to Ricketts, flute and orchestra.”
Given that the season is coming to a close, districts is just over the horizon. Districts are on May the 15th and 16th. Lincoln High is in the A-4 district, and North Platte is hosting. The teams that are playing at North Platte for district golf are Fremont, Grand Island, Lincoln Pius, Millard South, Omaha Northwest, Omaha Westside. That is a three hour drive for the golf team. If they advance past districts, then they will play in the championship on the 23rd and 24th of May.