By Sara Balter- |LHS News| –
Halloween night is often considered every kid’s favorite night. After all, it has everything a child could ask for; candy, silly costumes, and lighthearted pranks.
As members of the Lincoln community, the LHS Key Club recognizes that the children of Lincoln deserve an exciting and safe environment to collect their sweets. This is because volunteering and caring for the community is part of the Key Club mission statement, as is stated on the Key Club website.

“High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels,” the Key Club website states.

And on Saturday, October 28, the LHS Key Club held their annual “Trunk or Treat,” an event that the LHS Key Club has been hosting for over 3 years.
Held in the LHS parking lots where individuals are asked to bring their cars and decorate the trunks with a theme of their choice, children can come and walk from car to car gathering candy and playing games. Volunteers are also asked to bring non-perishables which are then donated to the Lincoln City Food Bank. This event provides a safe space and exciting space for kids of all ages to come trick or treat, play games, and donate to the food bank.
“Trunk or Treat’s purpose is to raise money for the food bank and help the community around us,” Key Club vice president Meg Boedeker said.
“This event is an opportunity for LHS students to experience the joy of volunteering as well as help the Food Bank,” Boedeker added.