By Audrey Perry
On Tuesday October 9, 2018, from 5 – 9 pm at the 48th and O Yogurtini, a percentage of the proceeds from purchased yogurt will go to support Lincoln High’s DECA club.
The date was chosen as to not coincide with any sporting events. Currently the team is working to prepare for their CRLC in Detroit Michigan, at the end of December. DECA Vice President of PR, Sydney Froistad has spearheaded the effort to fundraise for the trip. Along with Vice President of Fundraising, junior Grace Miller, the two reached out to Yogurtini and set up a fundraiser with them.
Last, year Lincoln High won a prestigious award, honoring us as one of the top 8 schools for opportunity in the country. With that, one of our strengths are our numerous activities, sports, and clubs. Since the sheer number of clubs are so high, it is always a concern of clubs to fundraise, so that all possible opportunities are obtained. Such is the case for Lincoln High DECA. Distributive Education Clubs of America, is a club that “prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe”. Throughout the year they travel to different competitions competing in tests in the areas of marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. In order for the team to travel and enter each competition for the entire year it costs $8000 per student. This means fundraising is a high priority. “For us [fundraising] is a 24/7 thing that we have to do,” DECA President Angel Tran said. Tomorrow’s fundraiser will be used as a means to support the club on their trip to Michigan.