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Informing the Lincoln High community since 1895

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Informing the Lincoln High community since 1895

The Advocate

Kendall and Aaron

Kendall and Aaron
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Emily Price
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Batman and Robin. Phineas and Ferb. Socks. The best things in life come in pairs, especially when it comes to people. It’s rare in high school to find that one person that you click with– someone who understands you and with whom you share a lot in common with. Luckily for Lincoln High seniors Aaron Boilesen and Kendal McClure, they found each other.

How did you meet?

Aaron: “We kinda got put in the same room together and we were like ‘Hey, we like the same stuff. Let’s be friends!’”
Kendal: Basically, we’re just nerds that wound up in the right spot together.
Aaron: We both like Magic the Gathering, D&D, Pokemon, musicals, percussion, the list goes on. We do a lot of the same things, and we’re interested in a lot of the same stuff.

Why did you join the Career Academy?

Kendal: “When I was in IB, I just kept thinking, ‘This is not working out.’ I was failing two of my classes at the time, which was unlike me. I tanked German… twice.”
Aaron: “I was there the second time.”
Both laughed.

Kendal: “It just wasn’t the program for me. What I like about TCA is that it is much more hands on. TCA is like, ‘Read this then build this,’ and I like building things.”
Aaron: “I wanted to go deeper into [Information Technology], but LPS didn’t offer what I needed. My dad is a networker in LPS, and I find it interesting what he does. Then I heard about TCA and thought, ‘That’s probably the best shot I’ll ever get at any sort of computing class.’”

Kendal: “TCA is basically trying to make a better transition from high school into college.”
Aaron: “While in the process, getting college credit. TCA does cost money, but it’s a a lot cheaper than your typical college class. I already have nine college credits.”

How is the Career Academy different from Lincoln High?

Kendal: “A student in TCA is required to take classes with focus on their pathways.”
Aaron: “Just for reference, a pathway is kind of like a major in college.”
Kendal: “In addition to these classes, students are required to take required classes, such as Government & Politics, English, and Economics.”
Aaron: “We start our day off at band at LHS, and then take a bus to Southeast Community College on O Street for classes.”
Kendal: “Both of our TCA schedules are in the morning, so after our classes they are bused back to LHS for the rest of our school day.”

Would you recommend the Career Academy?

Aaron: “If the more ‘traditional’ approach to school isn’t really your thing, give TCA a try.”

Kendal: “Come to the dark side, we have robots!”

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