This pandemic stated that you could not leave your home. Schools were closed, public places were closed, so everyone was behind closed doors. The CDC released a report that teens faced emotional abuse at home during the pandemic.
Teens were so helpless they had nowhere to go to feel comfortable. For some teens, school is where you can finally get away from the abuse of their home and talk to others teens and adults that will listen to you and want to know what you’re thinking. For others teens, school was becoming very hard.“In general, 66 percent found it difficult to complete their schoolwork during the pandemic.”
When the pandemic started nobody was thinking about what their students were having to deal with at home.“More than 1 in 10, or 11.3 percent, said they suffered physical abuse, such as hitting, beating or kicking.More than 1 in 10, or 11.3 percent, said they suffered physical abuse, such as hitting, beating or kicking.” which came from Erika Edwards.
“More than half of the high school students — 55 percent — said they were on the receiving end of cursing or other verbal insults from an adult in the home during the pandemic. Nearly three-quarters of those students identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and 63 percent were young women.” This goes to show that nobody was thinking of these young women in their class and what was happening to them.
This study gives a voice to children. “Shows a little bit of what we’ve been seeing in the clinic,” who is also the clinical director of on our sleeves, a national program that aims to reduce stigma around children’s mental health. “We know that kids, especially teens, can feel parents’ stress.” Kids want to know that they have someone they can talk to.
Also, the “Survey also asked students about their drug use during the pandemic. Nearly a third, 31.6 percent, said they had experimented with some kind of drug, including nicotine, or alcohol.” In this survey you didn’t have to put your name, the survey findings, which were published as a series of reports Thursday. They are based on the responses of a group of 7,705 nationally representative high school students.
“A majority of teenagers say they endured insults, put-downs and other forms of emotional abuse from a parent or other adult at home during the height of the pandemic lock down in 2020.” This information was very hard for people to hear/ read about.
“It remains unclear how significant a role lock down played in such reports. “There is no way to know specifically whether our findings reflect something new due to the pandemic or existing levels of abuse from prior to the pandemic.”
This study, I feel, should let all high schools do some kind of wellness check or have everyone fill out letting them know that they care and are willing to hear what they have to say. Even if most of them don’t do the form because, right now, they don’t feel comfortable telling people how they feel, just letting them know that its there for them and that they can fill it out wherever they feel the need to talk, it’s ready for them to write their feelings down.