LHS sophomore Hayden Alexander Guy is a music lover. “I want to start a band with my friends,” Guy said.
When I asked who or what inspired him to start a band, Guy said that his inspiration is his father because when his father was around the same age that he is right now which is the age of sixteen he started to play the guitar.
Guy said that his favorite music genre and the one that has inspired him to do all this is metal music, and his favorite band is Slipknot. Those things have inspired him to start playing the guitar.
As of today the idea of making a band seems far away, but he is hoping that one day that dream becomes a reality. When I asked about the band that he is thinking of making and if he had a name or idea of a name for it he said that he doesn’t have an idea of what the name of the band could be, but he said that the main instruments would be composed of the guitar, bass guitar, drums and the main singer.
Guy’s father has taught him how to play guitar as well as a friend of his; they are all working together to help him learn how to play the guitar and some day create a band.