When students walked into the classroom of Slam Poetry Sponsor and English Teacher Debroah McGinn on March 25th, a sign in bright pink marker on the white board demanded their attention. The sign, written in huge and neat handwriting, told everyone about the Lincoln High Slam Poetry team had made to the Semifinals.
McGinn was in an even cheerier mood than usual on March 25th. She told her students in a proud tone about the amazing first place win during the quarter finals the day before. In the first bout of quarter finals took place on March 17th at Nebraska Union Auditorium in the University of Nebraska. Lincoln High placed second in that bout. To get to the Semifinals, the Lincoln High team had to get first in the second round of quarter final bouts. The second round of bouts took place at the Milo Student Bail Center at UNO on March 22nd. Lincoln High placed first in that set of bouts.
The Slam Poetry Community and sponsors were excited about the semifinals which took place on April 7, at the Durham Western Heritage Museum’s Truhlsen Lecture Hall in Omaha. The hall is located at 801 S 10th St.
Lincoln High placed 1st in the semifinals which means the will compete in the finals that will take place on April 20th at the Holland Performing Arts Center at 13th & Douglas Streets in Omaha.
Schools qualified for the Semifinals were City Impact, Duchesne Academy, Millard South, Omaha Central, Gretna, Lincoln High, Marian, Omaha South, Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln North Star, Millard West, Mount Michael, Omaha Burke, Skutt Catholic, Waverly, and Westside.
Representing Lincoln High with solo poems were junior Camille Harrah, freshman Jack Buchanan, and senior Emma Craig. Freshmen Karina Hinkley and Callie McCright performed a duet poem. The four-person group piece was performed by seniors Tiauna Lewis and Emma Craig, sophomore Melissa Bornstein, and junior Camille Harrah.
Lincoln High’s bouts were at 5:30 p.m. against Marian, Omaha South, and Gretna. Only four schools with the highest scores in the semifinals made it to the finals.