By Gwenna Ihrie
Second time Homecoming nominee, sophomore Bryce Edward Myron Tyler, is not just the pretty face on the sample Homecoming picture order poster outside of the Associate Principal’s office. From 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tyler and his legendary green guitar can be seen serenading students at Lincoln High.
The Johnson Hallway becomes a stage for Tyler. His day begins with music.
Tyler’s first and only music class was Gary Hinkley’s very influential, Guitar 1 class. Tyler’s best friend, senior Jordan Radcliffe, is at the roots of Tyler’s love for his guitar.
“I saw him [Radcliffe] playing guitar and he tried to teach me some stuff and I thought it was one of the most amazing things in the world,” Tyler said about his beginnings with the guitar.
Green is Tyler’s favorite color. Coincidentally, when he went to search for a guitar, the green one he has now, was the first one he saw when he walked into Dietze’s Music Shop.
“I get people coming up to me all the time and I’ll just randomly make songs for people, and they’ll say, ‘I was having such a bad day and that just made my day. Thank you.’
” That is what keeps Tyler playing in the hallways he said.
Music is his choice career, but Tyler is also considering a career in computer engineering. “I would still like to have a band on the side.”
When high school ends, Tyler would be content if he was remembered for skateboarding and playing his green guitar at the same time, a goal not too far from reach.