By Ahmed Naser (Feature) –
It’s third quarter in the school year and you still don’t know who that guy in the library is? Well you are in luck, because the third installment of our feature on new teachers and staff is back again this quarter. In this issue we interviewed two new staff members: Corey Jones and Carter Hulinsky.

Corey Jones is a new math teacher at Lincoln High. He is a graduate from Nebraska Wesleyan University and went to Lincoln Northeast High School. Jones teaches Algebra and Advanced Algebra to freshmen and sophomores at Lincoln High. Despite this being his first year teaching, he is really happy to be working at Lincoln High.
“It’s awesome here,” Jones said. “Everyone’s great. The math department is really helpful and really getting me through my first year.” Jons is also involved with the Lincoln High football team. He coaches Freshman Football, specializing in training wide receivers and secondary defenders.
During his free time, Jones is an outdoors person. He likes to be outdoors as much as possible playing sports, running around, and enjoying nature. “One thing I just love to do is work out. Just my ‘me’ time to hang out with friends, family, and obviously play video games.” He likes to play anything Batman related, Rocket League, and anything multiplayer to play with friends. You can find Corey Jones in room S123 in the morning and S127 in the afternoon teaching.
Carter Hulinsky is the new media technician at Lincoln High. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Lincoln and also attended Lincoln Northeast. This is Hulinsky’s first year of being part of the staff at Lincoln High. He has a very interesting job that portrays a lot of Lincoln High’s history. One of his jobs is to collect archives of Lincoln High and every student, and store them into a historical collection of records.
He collects everything from old issues of The Advocate to newspaper clippings of Lincoln High’s legacy into the archive. He maintains the records, makes them accessible, and ultimately digitizes and uploads them into an online format for the public to view so people don’t have to come to Lincoln High to see them, making life a little bit easier. Hulinsky said, “I look forward to coming to school not only to see the students but actually for what I am doing. I love preserving history, and I love learning, and that’s what I get to do all day.”
Hulinsky is also involved in extracurricular activities. Many of you might not know, but he is the coach of the FTC (First Tech Challenge) Robotics team at LHS. This is the first year LHS has had a technology robotics team like this. Hulinsky and his team did so well that they made it to the state championship. They placed 20th out of 23rd, which is great considering they only had approximately two months to build a functioning robot while other schools have had years to create theirs.
Though this is his first year, we can expect many well done Lincoln High jobs from him. Hulinsky also said, “If there’s anything a student needs pertaining to Lincoln High’s history or checking out books, that’s why I’m here and they’re always welcome in our library.” You can catch Carter Hulinsky in the media center every day, and he will be happy to assist you with anything you need.
All in all, we are very glad to have new staff at Lincoln High. We are excited to continue to grow with our new staff and to see what the future holds for us at Lincoln High.