LPS Superintendent Paul Gausman opened his message by reflecting on his time as Lincoln Public Schools’ superintendent. He listed the strides that have been made at LPS since he entered office July 1st of 2022 both beloved and controversial, and with all of this in mind officially said, “It is, therefore,

bittersweet that I announce today that I will retire from the LPS superintendency at the end of this calendar year and from LPS at the end of June 2025.”
Although he is still relatively early in his time as LPS’s superintendent with him just short of halfway into his third year in office, he has said that after “20 years in the public eye as a superintendent of schools… it is time for me to explore other opportunities.”
The message later stated that Liz Standish, the current LPS Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, will be stepping up to maintain Gausman’s responsibilities under the title of “interim” until the Lincoln Board of Education discusses how they will move forward during their January 14th regular meeting.
In the meantime, next week on Tuesday December 10th, the board will be holding their regular meeting. During the meeting the Lincoln Board of Education will be voting on the transition plan that they will moving forward with as part of their agenda.

This meeting will be broadcast and accessible by the public to watch via the LPS.org website.
What we do know for now is that Gausman will still be working with the board as “superintendent emeritus” after his retirement on December 27th until the end of June of 2025 to advise and consult the board on initiatives and anything else they may need it for. What we can expect is for more information and developments to emerge as we attentively await them.
To read the entire release, visit: https://lps.org/post/detail.cfm?id=15556