The Lincoln High Links won their third game of the season September 22, against the Lincoln Northeast Rockets at Seacrest Field 41 – 6, making their record 3-2 for the season. Even though the Rockets demonstrated dedication, the Links were able to keep the score to their advantage for the entire game.
Even though the Links won, they did have a major casualty for the team. During the second quarter with 5:45 on the clock, Javon Leuty broke his ankle when tackled by a Rocket. He was immediately assisted, and had to be carried out in a stretcher with his ankle wrapped in a splint; he was transported to a hospital. Coaches later mentioned he’s most likely to be done for the rest of the season.
Development of the game

Starting up with the fist quarter the Links were the first to score with a touchdown and an extra point, ending with a score of Links 7 – Rockets 0.

For the second quarter, the Rockets scored an initial field goal giving them the advantage. Towards the end of the quarter the Links scored a touchdown with a good extra point, later on with :22 seconds left, the Links attempted a field goal, but it was counted no good. The score ended Links 14 – Rockets 3
During the third quarter the Links started adding up points by scoring a touchdown with no extra point, later on the Rockets were able to score another field goal. The score ending Links 20 – Rockets 6

For the final quarter of the game, Links player Dane Mentore collapsed in the field as he started suffering major cramps, later on he was able to walk off of the field.
The Links scored three touchdowns, all with extra points. A highlight for all links links fans, was with :36 seconds on the clock, when #25 Regial Gaines, stole the ball from the opposing team in the end zone and ran across the entire field scoring the last touch down of the game