New Year’s resolutions are a tradition so old that they date back to before the American Revolution. The earliest record of a “New Year’s resolution” is from the seventeenth century, although it is suspected that they were in existence and simply not written down for some time before then. In any case, it is clearly a well loved and withstanding tradition, and one worth talking about. So what goals are people making nowadays? We spoke to several teachers here at Lincoln High and asked about their resolutions.
“I am planning to compose more this year,” said music department head Mr. Noser. He also mentioned a plan to balance his composition with his more traditional teaching work. “Often times when I am composing or arranging music, it can kind of get in the way. I need to focus more on classroom things that need to get done.”
German teacher Frau Wanamaker reported two different resolutions. It is a common opinion at LHS that Ms Wanamaker is an excellent baker, but still, she stated that in 2025 she is going to “Try out new recipes, and spend more time cooking and being healthy,” She also said that as a professional goal, she is going to work hard to stay on top of her grading.
Mr Leighting, an algebra teacher, also made a school specific resolution, which is to “Try not to be a perfectionist in all the notes and answer keys that I make”. He also brought up that he typically struggles to come up with resolutions, because, “How can you have a resolution for something you’ve already perfected?” Perhaps his resolution next year should be to be more humble.
Mr Thorton-Kolbe (Mr T-K, as most students know him), a geometry teacher, discussed not only his goal for the current year, but also his resolution from 2024. “I would like to read more, I’m going to try to read 14 books this year,” he said. He then proudly reported that he successfully flossed every single day last year. Considering statistics from the American Dental Association, which report that only 16% of American adults floss daily, this achievement is one worth celebrating!
Overall, it looks like the teachers at Lincoln High have big plans for self improvement in their classes and in their personal lives. We wish them, and all our readers, good luck in the new year!
LHS teachers make resolutions for the new year
Each January, people make it a tradition to set a goal for self improvement in the new year. What resolutions have our teachers at LHS committed to this year?
Photo by Eleanor Erickson
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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