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Informing the Lincoln High community since 1895

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Informing the Lincoln High community since 1895

The Advocate

Die German Convention war sehr gut!

The German Convention went very well! With 13 students participating in 8 categories, LHS brought back many awards.
Photo by Marissa Wanamaker
Left to right Al Dogos, Yoakum, Schroder, Erickson, Porto, Crotteau, Alles, Schubert , Christensen, Wanamaker, McWilliams, Dickson, Brozovic, Rabago, Hruskova.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The German convention was hosted this past Saturday at Schoo Middle School. Many German students grades 9-12 participated in this event. Participants included Seniors Chris Dickson, Winter Porto, Sam Christensen, and Helen Brozovic, Juniors Jacki Alles and Henrike Schubert, Sophomore Cambrie McWilliams, and Freshmen Retaj Al Dogos, Aurora Schroder, Josephine Yoakum, Eleanor Erickson, Emily Crotteau, Lola Rabago, and Amalka Hruskova. The convention had events such as the knowledge bowl, which is essentially the game of trivial pursuit, but in German. Students that participated in the knowledge bowl included Alles, Crotteau, Erickson, and Hruskova. There was also a German baking competition, in which Al Dogos and Schroeder submitted a strawberry cake. Other events and participants include the spelling competition, in which Hruskova, McWilliams, Alles, Brozovic, and Schubert participated in, An exhibition of a classical german choral piece, sung by Dickson, An exhibition of an instrumental music piece, in which Croteau and Erickson played violin and viola, A poetry recitation, in which Rabago and Brozovic read poems they wrote, and a directed dialogue competition, which is a speaking competition, that students Yoakum, Alles, Schubert, and Brozovic competed in. 

There were also many activities available for the students to complete in their free time, including a photo booth, strength contests, trivia, and even fortune telling which was inspired by German New Year’s Eve traditions. Participants also watched German skits and music videos which were created by students from other schools. 

Many LHS German students won awards for this event, including 1st place in vocal music, won by Dickson. 1st place in the 2nd level knowledge bowl was won by our knowledge bowl team, which consisted of Alles, Erickson, Croteau, and Hruskova. LHS also received 3rd place in instrumental music, won by Crotteau and Erickson. Beginning spelling awards were also won, with Alles winning 1st place, and Hruskova winning 2nd. Brozovic won 1st  place for the advanced spelling competition. Brozovic also won 1st in level 4 directed dialogue. McWilliams won a 3rd place award for their artwork. Alles and Brozovic won 1st place for their newspaper entries. And Christensen won 2nd place for their poster entry. 

With 10 awards being won, this event was a success! As LHS German Teacher Marissa “Frau” Wanamaker said, “Another Lincoln High job well done!”

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  • F

    Frau | May 3, 2024 at 10:30 am

    So much fun! Glad to have everyone attend.
